Work…not now!
I have been so lazy in this whole month. I fail to get a good note in my examinations and I also fail to work based on my own schedule (like always).Some people said … “Don’t delay a work, do it as soon you have it” - perhaps I should really listen to it.
But, is it true? Can you imagine …if in a day you have more than 3 works (for example: watch cartoon, finish a comics, and play a computer game) and you have to do it as soon you have it, I’m sure you can not really optimal work on it. More worse…you will dedicate all your time – try to finish something that perhaps not really necessarily, and if it happen over and over again – slow but sure you may lose your social live, lose your friends, lose your fun – and all the works still never been finished.
Some other people said…”if a work can be done tomorrow, why should we do it now?”
Many of my friends said those sentences only a justification for laziness.
Is it true? In my point of view: NO…not at all. We should really take a look those sentences, it state implicitly that not every work can be done tomorrow. It means we should really able to decide which is really important- do it now, which is important, which is less important, and which is not important at all.
But of course every people have their own judgment; which work is important and which is not (for me watch football always be the most important one)
Once, my Mom told me…”bring a smile is always be the most important work for me” – it means, every works that brings happiness for everyone around her – will always be her most important work, and she will do it immediately. All this time she always makes me smile.
I make my own sentences…”If a work can be done tomorrow, why don’t we grateful for what we have now?”
Wrote by…
A man who never know when he really has to work.